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  • #5497


    The best bit of advice is to take your time and not to hurry or try it when tired. Get yourself without the to a lock and spend some time observing other boaters so you have an idea of what you need to do. Then bring the boat to the lock landing and tie up. On most canal locks the centre line may do but Northwich in on the Weaver so on a river and downstream on large locks its probably best to tie up both ends. Set the lock and open the gates. Drive the boat into the lock and go up the ladder with the centre line and windlass. In a wide lock pull the boat to one side and when any boat you are sharing with is in loop/twist the centre line around a bollard, On NO account tie it, whichever way you are going it may need to slip as the boat rises or falls. When the lock makes a level open the gate, pull the boat to the side if necessary, get on and drive out of lock to the downstream lock mooring. Tie up, return to the lock to close the gates and drop the paddles. I think you will be going via the Leeds and Liverpool as long as the boat is not much longer than 57ft. If so use the centre line to hold the boat clear of the upstream gates. They tend to leak badly and the water can easily get into the well deck or flood the stern of the boat
    Please help.

    I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.


    whiteboard animations

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