Gamesmasters Fishing Report – March 2011

By the amount of fish caught from the last months capture sheets, inside and outside grounds are fishing well. First up prawns are running hot at the moment so if you love these tasty crustaceans get your cast nets out. The prawns can be caught from Jacobs Well to the mouth of the Logan River. Its great fun but be warned it can be very messy, so wash your boat out very carefully after a session. Just a little hint, if your castnet has been sitting for a while, soak it in a bucket of cuddly and warm water this will soften your net making your net a lot easier to cast.

Inside fishing has been fishing well for your bread and butter species. The council chambers and the southern arm of the Coomera river are fishing well for Whiting, but one of me favourite spots is Coombabah Creek next to Boykambil bridge. Fresh bait is the key to success such as bloodworms, wriggler worms, and tiny yabbies will do the trick. Jacks are still fishing well as the water starts to cool off the jacks will feed up aggressively so don’t be afraid to use big baits or lures. To catch a trophy jack try the seaway as this is a excellent spot for this time of year, so try in front of the seaway tower or the end of the north wall.

Games Master

This time of year big bait schools move in and out of the seaway, a few club members are having fun catching Tuna, Mackerel, Trevally, Jew and one club member has been catching big Kingfish on live bait so the seaway is a hot spot for all species. The Mackerel have been filling the score sheets. Guy has been catching Mackeral off the Pin region. His method is to slow troll big baits which have seen him catch fish upto 25 kilos.

Down south has been fishing well when the blue water is in close. Try the 18 fathom bait grounds or along Stradbroke island but if the water is green and the bait is still in close it’s still a worthwhile a troll. If not the 24s are fishing well but can be there one day and not the next. Trolling Halco lazor pros in all sizers are the number one lure. They are cheap and built tough to handle the punishment of a Spanish Mackeral. Just a reminder outside species is Spanish Mackeral and inside species are combined fish which are Whiting, Bream, and Trevally and the token colour is white.

See you all at next months meeting.

From the Gamemasters. Danny and Christian

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